DA Confusion for the 26th of April, 2024

Have your confusions sorted out for this week’s glorious DA.

22 thoughts on “DA Confusion for the 26th of April, 2024”

  1. All done.
    FOI 1D
    LOI 12a
    Liked the theme. A few interesting builds. 
    Good starters are 1D, 2D/10a, 18a.


  2. Easy starters 1d, 4d.

    Interesting theme. There were a few I hadn’t heard of. Haven’t parsed 5a, 6d or 22a/29a. The last of these looks convoluted, and I don’t know whether I can be bothered.

    Tim, I didn’t look closely at 20a but now that I do, yes, it is a bit misleading. Then again, there’s probably no such thing as misleading in Cryptic Crossword Land.

    1. 5A – biblical.

      6D – as a start, “Half” gives 2,3,4,5.

      22A/29A – could be seen that way. Key (as I see) is that “Doctor” gives 9,10.

      Hope helps.

      1. 6D was a process of elimination after I had the rest.
        Not sure how anyone could get that just from the wordplay.
        Other than your hint, I still don’t get it. Doesn’t matter.
        Bottom half was reasonable but I haven’t parsed 12.
        Typical fun.

    1. Appreciate the point and understood. I just see it a bit different when the “words” are a singular proper noun.

  3. First time I’ve come this close to a DA solve without any assistance! Only missing 8D and 20A and the crossers aren’t getting me there. Think I must be misreading the seemingly simple construction of 20A.

  4. v_r,

    8D – as a start, defn = “Mark part” (think currency).

    20A – a bit as Tim C and I were discussing above. Remove 2 letters – trick is to get the correct 2.

    Hope gets you to completion.

  5. Ahhh yep, got 20A now, thanks for the tip, I was probably making the same mistake as others but couldn’t grasp it from above comments.

  6. Got 8D too now with your help after a Google. I’d arrived close to that earlier but I haven’t heard of it.

    Quite happy with today, relatively few obscurities means this was my quickest solve yet. FOI 19A, 1D, 4D, 19D. Enjoyed the theme, first themed one I got down was 22,29A and the rest fell out reasonably quick after. Got a chuckle out of the unexpected construction of 15D.

  7. Another late start for me today.

    1D was a nice starter, took two goes round to get into double figures.

    Now have most done but still need 5A (DAJ 11.52 am hint hasn’t helped me!), 12A and 7D – will sleep on it and try again tomorrow.

      1. 12A was my LOI, but I finally got it: Game = 4,5. Buff = 1-3. Transpose them to get steps (a dance)

  8. Well that was a lot of fun! Started late yesterday, but the answers, with some coy exceptions, presented themselves very sweetly. LOI 7D.

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